I've been around chiropractic my entire life, and it wasn't until about a month ago that I really understood what exactly it is. With my father having started his practice 30 years ago (3 years before I was born), you would think that by now I would have a pretty firm grasp, but it's just not the case. Don't get me wrong, my patients were improving and my quality of care was high, it was the word "chiropractic" that I couldn't wrap my brain around. With so many doctors practicing so differently, what does it really mean? What does a chiropractor do?
I know what I do and I know what my father does, and I know what my friends from chiropractic school do. So I thought it was important to find out what people from different schools, who were taught different philosophies do. A friend of mine went to Life Chiropractic College West in California where the philosophy is heavily based on the nervous system controlling the entire body and mind. They are known for reducing "subluxation" through use of chiropractic adjustments and thus improving overall bodily function. My friend's patients get well.
I went to a school that is more medically modeled. Physiology and bio mechanics were important aspects of our education. We are commonly called "medipractors" by other chiropractors who do not learn from the same curriculum. I address joint dysfunction, soft tissue dysfunction, and nerve dysfunction to come up with the most appropriate and effective treatment for a given symptom set. Sometimes that treatment is a simple adjustment, sometimes it is more involved and can include soft tissue manipulation adjustments and exercises. it really depends on the patient presentation.
So, if my friend and I practice so differently, how could we possibly call ourselves the same thing? My friend called me last week and we discussed at length (2 hours) what we were doing to build our reputations, our practices, and our skill sets. We discussed what chiropractic is, and we came to a very clear conclusion. Chiropractic is the drug free administration of care at the best interests of the patient. It's very simple. While we both do it very differently, we give the patient exactly what they came in for; a side effect free, efficient, resolution to his or her ailment. Both my friend and I are after the same thing, what we believe is best for the patient. We both refer for nutritional consults with nutritionists or dieticians we trust, we both refer to medical doctors when patient complaints turn out to be outside of our scope, and we both get results.
When I spend time out in the public meeting perspective new patients, after listening to one of my talks, people typically come up with many questions about themselves. I answer the best I can and then let them know that if they come into the office I can be much more thorough with my answers. That's usually when they ask what type of doctor I am. When I tell people "I'm a chiropractor", they decide immediately if it's a chiropractor that they need to help them. My question to you is this: I've been around Chiropractic Care my entire life, and until about a month ago I couldn't identify what it really is. Are these people making decisions from an educated place? The answer is probably not. Their personal experiences in all of their years on earth led them to the moment that they make the decision to come in or not. The only thing that can alter the decision making process is experience and knowledge. People don't even know what we do. Now, you have a better idea. But in case you forgot I'll repeat myself.
Chiropractors provide patients with efficient, drug free, holistic, resolutions to their complaints. When done right it's a beautiful thing, we don't change symptoms, we change lives.
Before choosing a chiropractor you shouuld call the office, ask questions, make sure you are going to a doctor you believe can help you. Believing you are going to improve is half the battle.
Questions or comments? Let me know. Comment below.
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